Total Commitment is Paramount to reaching the Ultimate in Performance
We recognise this and have devised a high calibre vehicle valeting service that centres everything around the most important aspect of our business... YOU THE CUSTOMER!
Operating across Hampshire, we travel to your office, work place, home or hotel in attractively liveried vans containing water supply plus a wide range of the highest quality vehicle valeting chemicals.
Our friendly operators are smartly uniformed and have been put through the unique Autogleam training program, regardless of experience.
For added peace of mind, every facet of our service has been fully insured.
We arrive, transform your car and you're ready to go!
Regular Autogleam Visits
- Make driving far more pleasurable... you arrive ready to do business.
- Guarantees you an improved corporate image.
- Encourage higher residual vehicle values due to lower depreciation.
- Mean you will never have the hassle of cleaning your car again
'Your freshly valeted and pristine looking car is our hallmark!'